Easy Come :



This series of photographs depicts, Easycome, London's longest running acoustic club. The weekly event takes place on a Wednesday at The Ivy House pub in Peckham Rye and is run by Andy Hankdog, from the band 'The Hankdogs', a well-known southeast London, country, folk group. The venue has a long musical history dating back to the late 60's and has featured bands like Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones. Easycome plays host to many local London bands, as well as featuring acts from around the UK and international artists. Performers vary from local bands who are starting out, getting a first chance to perform live, to more established musicians playing monthly residencies whilst working on new material or an album, as well as those on the brink of a record deal. The night also hosts floor spots for performers hoping to play a new song or get their first chance to play live.

The starting point for these images was to show the enjoyment as well as difficulties encountered by a small group of musicians who are performing and producing music week in and week out. At Easycome, in the tradition of a weekly club, artists nurture their skills, talents and belief in what they are doing, as well as realising their limitations, away from the pressures of aspiring to become recording artists in a highly competitive and cut-throat industry.

Success in the music industry is not just about having great talent or being popular with the public. Many different elements must come together, and the artist or band needs the industry behind them for the chance to succeed. The opportunity to perform to ability and connect with the audience is the atmosphere which is created at Easycome.

Produced over eighteen months, 'Easycome' shows the week-to-week reality of performing to and entertaining audiences. The media's and society's fascination with fame is creating a generation obsessed with becoming 'famous for being famous'. The reality of success is often a lifetime of dedication to, and understanding of an art form. The idea of earning a living or gaining recognition for ones art is still the domain of a lucky, hardworking and original few.