arh 10 years in the passing, since the last time I got a free ticket for the festival in the u.k. , forget sgp and lattitude and all that shit !! , this is the original and best.

So whats changed in ten years?? the last time i ventured to glastonbury ?

1. mobile phones happened, so its not a case of looking and hoping its all there waiting for you

2 we have lost the traveling community

3 we have lost the liverpool community

4 we have lost the manchester community

they have all gone !, they are not a part of the new security that surrounds glastonbury, ten years ago every second voice was either scouse or manc , now ! its london or home counties.

5. so glastonbury has lost its original edge only to find another bigger better more civilised edge!

6. the main difference in people is this crowd have computers and money and are organised. not great for a festival but with it glastonbury seems to be directed more towards wonder and love than before.

and the usual deluge of drugs is present just incase the steady flow of glastonbury comes too straight !!.