Nights Out Morning Out :



This project documents nights out in-and-around London and Spain. They chronicle a period from early evening to the following morning at house parties, bars and clubs, revealing localized versions of socializing, intoxication, and hedonism. Photographed over a number of years, on either side of the millennium, these images are about the rituals and moments of excessive nights out.

The photographs portray the communal feeling that comes from pushing emotions and enjoyment through intoxication, and later, succumbing to the reality of the cold light of day, or morning in this case. The post-ecstasy environment, around the new millennium has made the pursuit of fun a serious pastime, and taken this goal to unreal proportions for many.

Through these images I have shown the extent people go to, to enjoy or escape in their spare time, often seeming to push their limits in the hope of a memorable night and morning out.