Welcome to Lewisham / Golden handshake

I was half way through putting together this collection of photos which forms a diary of friends and strangers , community and parties to humour and sorrow, When the news story 'Lewisham named least peaceful place in the U.K.' came out in the mainstream media, it is based on statistics and compiled using five indicators: the murder rate, the violent crime rate, the weapons crime rate, the public disorder offences rate, and the number of police officers per 100,000 people. Lewisham is closely followed by fellow London boroughs of Lambeth, Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets, then I decided to dedicate the series of photos to the reasons why I love Lewisham.

When is the last time you heard anyone say anything positive about Lewisham and why do we always come to the same conclusions about more difficult areas with varying social problems that they always get the hardest time from this government. Lewisham hasn’t had a conservative councillor since the 1960's , so is it a surprise that the cuts hit this borough harder than say Kensington and Chelsea ? Their accident and emergency ward is safe and staying where it is , but Lewisham's is going 6 miles away to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich. Woolwich This been another area of London with its neighbouring Thamesmead that I have never heard anyone say something positive about. So lets hear it for these these areas that get on with their day to day with indifference and a style that defy the politics of money and their schemes to undermine the more vulnerable in our society.